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Taking the Scorecard quiz

Get started and complete the Scorecard quiz when invited to the Platform.

Written by Jason Taylor
Updated over 6 years ago

When a team member is invited to the Material Information Platform, they will be required to start completing their company Scorecard.

Scorecards determine how ready a company is for a material event. Learn more about Scorecards here.

Follow these steps after you have logged in to complete the Scorecard:

  1. Once you have logged in, you will be taken to the Welcome screen.

 Good to know: The Welcome screen will inform the company the Areas and Topics within each Area that are to be completed. Learn more about Areas here and Topics here.

2. Select Get started.

3. You will be taken to the first Area, this Area will consist of a set of questions which are referred to as Topics.

4. The options when answering Topic questions are:

  • Documented: If you select this option, you will receive a list of Requirements that has been determined when the Scorecard was created. Select all Requirements that apply.

  • Not documented: If you do not have this, proceed to the next question.

  • Unsure: If you aren't sure if you have this, you can check and go back to this Topic later. 


5. Under Person responsible for Area, select Assign the Person responsible.

✅ Tip: If you aren't sure who to assign to an Area, this can be done at a later stage. Learn more about people responsible for Areas here.

6. Under Areas, select the Area or Areas they are responsible for.

7. Under Person responsible select the person.

Tip: Admins are able to invite a new person by typing the email address of the new person, then selecting the Add icon.

8. Select Save changes.

9. To continue to the next Area, select Next area.

10. Once you have completed all the Areas and assigned the Person responsible for each Area, select Finish.

11. You will then be scored on how ready your company currently is, to see this score select Go to company overview.

⚠️ Good to know: When Topics are started, Topic Requirements are completed and Topics are verified the company score will increase. Learn more here.

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